Arrangement Toolbar in Lightburn

This article explores the various functions available in the arrangement toolbar in Lightburn, which helps control the placement and alignment of shapes in your design.

Arrangement Toolbar Overview

  • Versions: There are two versions of the toolbar - a long version at the bottom and a shorter version above it for users with smaller displays.

Toolbar Functions

  1. Group and Ungroup

    • Group: Places shapes into a container to treat them as a single entity.
    • Ungroup: Removes shapes from the group.
  2. Vertical Mirror and Horizontal Mirror

    • Vertical Mirror: Flips the selection vertically.
    • Horizontal Mirror: Flips the selection horizontally.
    • Shortcuts: Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + V for vertical, Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + H for horizontal.
  3. Mirror Across a Line

    • Creates a mirrored copy of the selected object(s) across a line.
  4. Align Centers

    • Moves all shapes in the selection to be centered over the last selected item.
  5. Align Vertically along left, center, or right

    • Vertical: Aligns shapes to the left, center, or right.
    • Horizontal: Aligns shapes to the top, center, or bottom.

  6. Distribute Vertically or Horizontally

    • Spaces items evenly in the current selection.
  7. Make Same Width and Make Same Height

    • Sets all objects in the selection to the same width or height as the last selected item.
  8. Move Selection to Corner or Page Center

    • Moves the current selection to the indicated corner of the workspace or the center.


You have now learned the functions available in the arrangement toolbar of Lightburn. These tools allow you to manipulate and align shapes in your design with precision, making it easier to create your laser projects. Happy laser engraving!