Using the Art Library in LightBurn

Store and Reuse Artwork for Future Projects

The Art Library is a powerful tool that lets you store and organize artwork for easy reuse in future projects. You can load multiple libraries simultaneously and categorize artwork by themes (holidays, animals, birthdays) or purposes (templates, tools, tests).

An Art Library can store text, shapes, paths, and images, making it a versatile resource for streamlining your design workflow.

Key Features of the Art Library

Artwork Storage

  • Saves project components such as text, shapes, paths, and images.
  • Does not store Cut Settings; save your project file if you want to preserve those.

Flexible Organization

  • Multiple libraries can be loaded at the same time.
  • Libraries can be categorized by themes or use cases for better organization.

Accessing the Art Library Window

  1. Go to Window → Art Library to enable the feature.
  2. The Art Library Window will appear docked on the left side of your Workspace by default.

Tip: LightBurn’s layout is customizable. See Customizing the LightBurn Window for more details.

Using the Art Library

Viewing and Managing Libraries

  • The left panel shows a list of loaded libraries.
  • The right panel displays thumbnails of the selected library’s artwork.

If no libraries are listed, you’ll need to create a new one or load an existing library to access artwork.


Creating, Loading, and Unloading Libraries

Create a New Library

  1. Click the New button in the Art Library Window.
  2. Choose a name and location for the .lbart file, where your artwork will be stored.

Load an Existing Library

  1. Click the Load button to add a previously saved .lbart file.
  2. Libraries can be shared and transferred between users or computers.

Unload a Library

  1. Click Unload to remove a library from view.
  2. Note: Unloading does not delete the library file from your hard drive.

Adding Artwork to a Library

From Saved Files

  1. Click Import to add artwork from existing files (e.g., AI, SVG, DXF).
  2. You can import multiple files at once. Each file will become an individual entry in the library.

From a Current Project

  1. Select objects in your current project.
  2. Click Import Graphic from Project or right-click in the Art Library Window and choose Add Selection to Library.

Editing Libraries and Artwork

Rename or Delete Artwork

  1. Right-click an item in the Art Library.
  2. Choose Delete or Rename as needed.

Rename a Library

  1. Rename the .lbart file in your file browser.
  2. Unload and reload the library in LightBurn for the changes to apply.

Using Artwork from the Library

Drag and Drop

  1. Drag a thumbnail from the Art Library into your project.
  2. Release the mouse to drop it into the desired location.

Add to Current View

  1. Select the artwork in the library.
  2. Click Add Graphic to Project to place it in the center of the Workspace’s current view.


The Art Library in LightBurn simplifies artwork management, allowing you to store and reuse designs effortlessly. By organizing libraries by theme or purpose, you can streamline your workflow and focus on creating detailed laser engraving projects.