General Settings in Lightburn for CO2 Lasers

This guide covers the general settings in Lightburn, accessible via the gear icon in the top menu bar. These settings include display options, file import settings, and other preferences to customize your Lightburn experience.

Display and Units Settings

  1. Beginner Mode

    • Generally, this should be turned off after initial training.
  2. Enable Antialiasing

    • Smooths graphics displayed on the screen.
  3. Filled Rendering

    • Shows filled shapes in the design view, useful for visualizing engravings.
    • Example: A filled box will display as filled rather than just an outline.
  4. Reduced Motion

    • Helps with older monitors by reducing motion effects.
  5. Use a Dark Background

    • Switches the work area to a dark mode, useful for certain graphics.
  6. Show Palette Buttons on Labels

    • Adds numbers to color palette labels for easier identification, especially useful for colorblind users.
  7. Ignore Out of Bound Shapes

    • Ignores parts of a graphic outside the work area, useful for focused engraving.
  8. Clipboard Settings

    • Allows cut, copy, and paste between different Lightburn instances.
  9. Invert Mouse Wheel Zoom Direction

    • Changes the zoom direction using the mouse wheel.
  10. Show Full-Screen Line Cursor

    • Displays a crosshair on the mouse cursor for precision.
  11. Show Rotary Enable on Main Window

    • Adds a button to the main window to enable rotary mode, indicating when it is active.
  12. Show Cylinder Correction Enable on Main Window

    • Adds a button for cylinder correction, useful for Galvo lasers.
  13. Show Work Area Center Cross

    • Displays a crosshair on the work area to indicate the center.
  14. Toolbar Icon Size and Font Size

    • Adjusts the size of toolbar icons and default font size for better visibility.

File Settings

  1. Import and Export Settings

    • Options for grouping imported shapes, importing hidden layers, and selecting shapes.
    • Includes settings for importing and exporting in various units (e.g., millimeters, inches).
  2. Font Settings

    • Default font and height for text tools.
  3. DXF and SVG Import Settings

    • Options for handling DXF and SVG files during import.
  4. Workflow Preferences

    • Default settings for production runs, including cut selected state and selection origin.

General Preferences

  1. Check for Updates

    • Lightburn automatically checks for updates.
  2. Error Sound

    • Plays a sound if a file fails to send to the laser.
  3. Load Default Layer Settings on New/Restart

    • Loads default settings when Lightburn is reopened.
  4. Output Settings

    • Adjusts curve tolerance for graphic exports.


These general settings in Lightburn help you customize your software for optimal use. Adjust these preferences to fit your workflow and improve efficiency. For further assistance, refer to Lightburn documentation or support channels. Happy engraving!