How to Use the Preview Window in LightBurn

Simulate Laser Operations and Optimize Job Settings

The Preview window in LightBurn provides a simulation of laser movements and operations, allowing you to visualize your project and optimize settings before sending it to the machine. Use this tool to ensure accuracy, identify potential issues, and estimate job completion time.

Quick Reference: Preview


  • Purpose: Simulate laser movements and optimize job settings.
  • Access Points:
    • Main Toolbar
    • Window → Preview
  • Keyboard Shortcuts:
    • Windows: Alt + P
    • Mac: Option + P


Features of the Preview Window

Visual Simulation

  • Black Lines: Represent cut moves.
  • Red Lines: Represent travel moves (movement without cutting).

Check the Preview window before starting any job to ensure the output matches your expectations.

Time Slider

  • Allows you to slide through the project to observe the cut order.
  • Use it to identify the sequence of operations and any potential inefficiencies.


Job Time Statistics

Located below the Time Slider, this section provides an estimate of job duration:

  • Cut Distance: Shows the distance the laser will travel while cutting and the estimated time to complete those movements.
  • Rapid Moves: Indicates the distance traveled between cuts (laser off) and the estimated time for those movements.
  • Total Estimated Time: Combines the time for all cut and rapid moves.

Tip: For more accurate estimates, update the Additional Settings tab in Device Settings.

Preview Settings

The settings in the Preview window affect only the simulation and do not change the actual laser output.

Setting Description
Playback Speed Controls the speed of the simulation playback (1/5 to 5x actual speed).
Show Traversal Moves Displays travel moves (red lines) when enabled. Hides them when disabled.
Shade According to Power Displays grayscale shading to represent varying power levels during cuts (requires Grayscale Image Mode or Power Scaling).
Invert Switches the background to black and cut lines to white. Useful for engraving on dark surfaces.


Additional Features

Start Here

Resume interrupted jobs at a specific point:

  1. Move the Time Slider to the desired position in the simulation.
  2. Click Start Here to begin the laser operation from that point.

Save Image

Save the current simulation view as an image file for documentation or reference.


Animate the simulation to view the job from start to finish at the selected Playback Speed.


Inaccurate Time Estimates

  • Adjust the Simulation Settings in Device Settings → Additional Settings.

Laser Output Mismatch

  • If the laser’s output differs from the Preview, refer to Troubleshooting: Job Quality for guidance.


The Preview window is an essential tool for ensuring your laser operations run smoothly. By visualizing the job, estimating time, and troubleshooting issues, you can optimize your workflow and achieve the desired results efficiently.