Red Laser Alignment in LightBurn


This article will guide you through the steps to align and scale the red dot pointer using LightBurn. This process is crucial for accurate positioning and alignment of laser engraving or cutting jobs. Let's get started.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Create a Reference Square

  1. With LightBurn open, create a reference square to work with. Click on the Rectangle tool and hold Shift while clicking and dragging in the workspace to create an even square. Size the square to be 4 inches by 4 inches.
  2. Assign the NFA setting to the layer and set it to line mode.
  3. Place a scrap piece of cardboard, thick cardstock, or metal under your laser and set your focus. Make sure to secure your workpiece in place.
  4. Click Frame and position the square preview where you want it to be on your material. Ensure there is enough room on all sides of the square in case the laser marks outside the red laser boundary.
  5. Remember to run only one pass at a time. When ready, hit Start to mark the workpiece. Do not move the workpiece once it's marked.

Step 2: Measure and Adjust the Red Laser Position

  1. After marking, click Frame again and observe how the red laser lines up with the engraved lines on the square. The goal is to get the red laser line to split the burn line.
  2. Measure the distance the red laser needs to move in either direction to align with the engraved squares. Keep track of measurements.
  3. Click the Device Settings icon at the top of the screen. Under the Red Dot section, adjust the X offset and Y offset position values based on your measurements. Subtract from the current value to move the laser left along the x-axis or down the y-axis. Add to the current value to move the laser right along the x-axis or up along the y-axis. Click OK after making the adjustments.
  4. Click Frame to see how the red laser aligns with the burn line. Repeat these steps if further adjustments are needed until the red line splits the burn line.
  5. If the red laser is aligned on one side of the square but not on the opposite side, you need to adjust the scale value. Return to the Device Settings screen. The scale value boxes are directly beneath the offset X and Y boxes. Start at 1.01 and adjust as needed, typically ranging from 1.01 to 1.015. After adjusting the scale value, readjust the offset X and Y if necessary.


Congratulations! You have successfully learned how to align and scale your red dot pointer using LightBurn software for galvo lasers. Happy laser engraving!