Using the Shape Properties Window in LightBurn

Customize and Edit Object Properties with Ease

The Shape Properties Window in LightBurn displays editable properties for selected objects, offering extensive customization options for text, images, and geometric shapes.

Accessing the Shape Properties Window

  1. Go to Window → Shape Properties to enable it.
  2. The window appears docked behind the Cuts/Layers Window on the upper-right side of your screen.
  3. Click the Shape Properties tab to bring it to the front.


Tip: LightBurn’s layout is customizable. For details on managing windows and toolbars, see Customizing the LightBurn Window.

Shape Properties Options

The available options in the Shape Properties Window depend on the type of object selected. Some properties apply universally, while others are specific to certain object types.


Universal Properties

These options are available for all objects or multiple selected shapes:

  • Cut Order Priority: Determines the order in which the laser cuts shapes. Lower values are cut first, starting at 0. Requires enabling Order by Priority in the Optimization Settings.
  • Power Scale: Adjusts the cutting power for the shape as a percentage, scaled between Min Power and Max Power. For devices without Min Power, scaling is between 0 and Max Power.
  • Locked: Prevents edits to the selected shape(s).

Note: When multiple shapes are selected, changes apply to all selected shapes simultaneously.

Specific Object Properties


These properties adjust visual characteristics of images:

  • Gamma: Modifies mid-tone brightness (lower values lighten, higher values darken).
  • Contrast: Increases or decreases contrast between light and dark areas.
  • Brightness: Adjusts the overall brightness of the image.
  • Enhance: Sharpens edges for better contrast (also known as Unsharp Masking).
    • Radius: Determines how far the enhancement effect spreads.
    • Amount: Controls the intensity of edge contrast.
    • Denoise: Reduces noise in smooth areas of the image.



Properties for ellipses created with the Create Ellipse tool:

  • Width: Horizontal dimension of the ellipse (X-axis).
  • Height: Vertical dimension of the ellipse (Y-axis).



Properties for polygons created with the Create Polygon tool:

  • Width: Horizontal dimension of the polygon (X-axis).
  • Height: Vertical dimension of the polygon (Y-axis).
  • Sides: Number of sides in the shape (e.g., 3 for a triangle, 6 for a hexagon).



Properties for rectangles created with the Create Rectangle tool:

  • Width: Horizontal dimension of the rectangle (X-axis).
  • Height: Vertical dimension of the rectangle (Y-axis).
  • Corner Radius: Rounds the rectangle’s corners. Positive values curve the corners, while negative values create an inward bite effect.



Properties for text created with the Create Text tool:

  • Max Width: Sets a horizontal limit for text scaling. Use 0 for no limit.
  • Squeeze: Controls text scaling when it exceeds Max Width.
    • Enabled: Scales the horizontal axis while maintaining vertical height, resulting in squished text.
    • Disabled: Proportionally shrinks both horizontal and vertical dimensions.


  • Ignore Empty Vars: Removes newlines before empty Variable Text fields when aligning text.



The Shape Properties Window is a powerful tool in LightBurn, providing precise control over object properties to enhance your laser engraving projects. From adjusting geometric dimensions to fine-tuning text and images, this tool ensures your designs meet exact specifications.