A Comprehensive Guide to Graphic Selection, Creation, and Modification Tools
The Tools Menu in LightBurn provides an extensive array of options for selecting, creating, editing, and modifying graphics. This menu is essential for efficient project design and customization.
Click on any option in the image below to jump to its dedicated guide, or scroll down for detailed descriptions of each tool.
Tools Menu Options
Shortcut: Esc
The primary tool for selecting and deselecting objects.
Draw Lines
Shortcut: Ctrl/Cmd + L
Create custom shapes by placing points connected with lines or curves.
Shortcut: Ctrl/Cmd + R
Draw rectangles or squares.
Shortcut: Ctrl/Cmd + E
Create ovals or circles.
Create regular polygons, such as hexagons, with an adjustable number of sides.
Edit Nodes
Shortcut: Ctrl/Cmd + `
Modify vector graphics by adding, deleting, or adjusting points and altering lines or curves.
Trim Shapes
Shortcut: Ctrl/Cmd + K
Cuts lines back to the nearest intersection with another line.
Add Tabs
Shortcut: Ctrl/Cmd + Tab
Add small cut sections to prevent objects from falling out of the base material during lasering.
Edit Text
Shortcut: Ctrl/Cmd + T
Activate the text tool to create, edit, and format text.
Position Laser
Shortcut: Ctrl/Cmd + L
Move the laser head to a specific location in the workspace by clicking within the LightBurn interface.
Shortcut: Ctrl/Cmd + M
Hover over shapes to view dimensions, perimeter, and other details.
Create Bar Code
Generate barcodes or QR codes to store scannable data.
Offset Shapes
Shortcut: Alt/Option + O
Create outlines around shapes, either inward, outward, or both.
Boolean Tools
Boolean tools allow you to combine or modify shapes:
- Union: Combines overlapping shapes.
- Subtract: Removes one shape from another.
- Intersection: Keeps only the overlapping area.
- Weld: Merges multiple shapes into one.
- Union: Alt/Option + +
- Subtract: Alt/Option + -
- Intersection: Alt/Option + *
Boolean Assistant
Shortcut: Ctrl/Cmd + B
Preview and apply Boolean operations through an interactive dialog box.
Cut Shapes
Shortcut: Alt/Option + Shift + C
Divide vector shapes using a closed shape as a cutting tool.
Adjust Image
Shortcut: Alt/Option + I
Modify image properties such as contrast, brightness, and gamma, and adjust layer settings.
Trace Image
Shortcut: Alt/Option + T
Convert bitmap images into vector outlines.
Apply Path to Text
Attach text to a vector path, shaping it to follow the contour.
Apply Mask to Image
Cut bitmap images with a closed vector graphic, keeping only the area within the vector.
Resize Slots in Selection
Adjust slot or tab dimensions in selected objects based on user specifications.
Warp Selection (4 Points)
Modify objects by dragging four corner handles.
Deform Selection (16 Points)
Modify objects by dragging 16 handles arranged in a 4x4 grid.